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This blog is no longer maintained. Please visit artsongs.wordpress.com instead.

Classically Savvy is intended for classical music lovers who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of classical music, to increase their musical vocabulary, to attune their ears to nuance in classical music, and to provide a forum for discussion.

My friends and family are not professional musicians, but are both smart and musical. I hope to give them a vocabulary with which to discuss music, and a better overall understanding of music.

Academic understanding of music is good, but not really fulfilling. When one is listening to music or watching a performance, it is helpful to know what to listen for. So, I also hope to help strengthen the “ears” of my readers.

How it works

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I’ll make a post about music. I start with the basics, and build from there. So, if you have little or no musical background, you should start reading the archive backwards from the first month.

I encourage you not to read more than a post a day — let the new knowledge sink in before you move on. There will be plenty of days when I don’t post, so you’ll catch up. There’s absolutely no rush.

I’m happy to answer your questions and to hear your comments. A rule of thumb — if you can find the answer yourself on Google, please don’t ask me to do it for you.

Ready to begin?

Click the Posts tab up top, or click here.

In bocca al lupo!


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